Staring into the Dark
When you stare into the abyss, it stares back too.
“Staring into the Dark”.
18” x 24”. Digital print. 2023.
“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, is precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies you will not find another.”
-Carl Sagan, “Cosmos”
Theodora is at war with herself. Her story is one of forging identity and finding hope amid her struggles with existential despair.
Hundreds of years from now, a group of young veterans struggle with identity, worth, and where they belong in the world.
The story is set in America, one transformed by centuries of climate change and the aftermath of an apocalyptic war between humanity and aliens known as the Wolves.
Theo is the main heroine of this story as she travels across the country to reach her family in New York City. This is both an external journey where she journeys with other young people whom she fought with and learns to coexist with them, but also (and especially) is an internal journey deep inside herself to the depths of her own hurt, doubt, and shame.
The Wolves are psychological beings which fight deep within people’s minds and souls for their surrender. They are a metaphor for depression and despair, but they can also function as anything that seeks to destroy a person’s individuality and sense of purpose or value.
When one stares into the abyss, one must be strong enough to withstand the gaze it returns. And if anyone is strong enough, it’s Theo Sol.
Theo is linked to motifs of fire and the sun because she is the Promethean figure of “giver of fire” to those around her. Specifically, she is an artist and a creator in a harsh and authoritarian time and culture where practicality and stoicism are prized and creativity and passion are deemed “useless”. However, light and fire are also linked to the narrative’s antagonists, the alien race known as the Wolves. It’s in rejecting her own gifts and her own nature that Theo comes to embody this internal battle between self-rejection and self-acceptance.