Into the Unknown…
A slice of a science fiction graphic novel about wrestling with existential despair, forging identity, and finding meaning.
“Into the Unknown”, pages 11-17.
9” x 12”. Acrylic ink on watercolor paper. 2022.
“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, is precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies you will not find another.”
-Carl Sagan, “Cosmos”
“Into the Unknown” is a tiny slice of a single chapter of an entire book-length science fiction narrative I aim to create in graphic novel form. It’s set in the year 2789 in a post-apocalyptic America ravaged by war with invading aliens. Its main characters are a group of young veterans coming of age and attempting to forge purpose in their shattered lives. Apart from growing up, the story centers on themes of identity, existential despair, hope, and survival.
“Into the Unknown” is seven pages illustrated on 9”x 12” watercolor paper using black acrylic ink and Micron pens. The final four pages are an entire connected spread meant to ‘accordion’ out of the graphic novel.
In the future one of the primary aims I have in my illustration career is completing this graphic novel in its entirety, both writing and illustrating it.
Theo talks to a kind of inverted god deep within her own psyche. This god takes on the shape of a wolf, a monster, a voice, her own mother, her own self. It’s the Wolf of her own self-destruction.
Reference is always the seed point of my process There are images and ‘scenes’ in my imagination of what the emotions, atmosphere, and archetypal symbols and metaphors I want to evoke with characters and narrative. I search for images that seem to deliver the feelings or ideas I
I imagine an “Overview Effect” poster might be particularly at-home around zoos, arboretums, parks, green spaces, and other similarly open and natural environments were people can find some communion with nature.
I imagine an “Overview Effect” poster might be particularly at-home around zoos, arboretums, parks, green spaces, and other similarly open and natural environments were people can find some communion with nature.
I imagine an “Overview Effect” poster might be particularly at-home around zoos, arboretums, parks, green spaces, and other similarly open and natural environments were people can find some communion with nature.
I imagine an “Overview Effect” poster might be particularly at-home around zoos, arboretums, parks, green spaces, and other similarly open and natural environments were people can find some communion with nature.