“There’s so much love out there.
All adolescents and young adults face heightened risk for mental health challenges. Why do queer youth face particularly high rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation?
After graduating from school in April 2023, I chose to take an ‘Intro to Graphic Design’ class as part of ArtCenter’s extension program. The first assignment constituted designing a poster and collateral for a cause or organization of our choice.
I chose to design for the Trevor Project, an American nonprofit organization founded in the late 1990s that aims to provide suicide prevention resources to LGBTQ youth.
Statistics seem to illustrate that all adolescents and young adults are at particular risk for mental health challenges. But of particular concern are the astronomical rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation amongst queer youth.
Why should this be?
Queer people face a realm of psychological and sociocultural adversities that heterosexual people do not. Shortly put, the world is made for straight people, not gay people. It’s a fundamental and inherent difference that encapsulates experiences and ways of being that can cause isolation, alienation, shame, self-hatred, interpersonal rejection and misunderstanding.
A young person in crisis can reach a hotline where counselors are available to help by calling, texting, or through chat on the computer. As stated on the Trevor Project’s website, they are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and it is 100% free and 100% confidential. This organization has gained much visibility in recent years by partnering with visible allies such as Daniel Radcliffe, Dwayne Wade, and the Obamas.
“Design for a Cause” presentation deck.